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Kintsugi Showzi

Showzi Tsukamoto



Kintsugi Showzi


Kintsugi Philosophy

Kintsugi philosophy is based on Japanese aesthetics of Wabi Sabi. Wabi is a philosophy of finding a spiritual meaning inside despite of desolate looks outside. Sabi is a philosophy of finding a beauty in something being decayed.

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Kintsugi by Showzi Tsukamoto

“La beauté de ce qui vieillit et se décompose, une beauté qui est finié, c’est ca qui m’attire.”

Kintsugi Projects

2022-070 Kintsugi blue and white Soba choko Cup Old imari

2022-069 Kintsugi blue and white Soba choko Cup Old imari

2022-068 Kintsugi blue and white Soba choko Cup Old imari

2022-067 Kintsugi blue and white Soba choko Cup Old imari

2022-066 Kintsugi blue and white Soba choko Cup Old imari

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I want to introduce you to a Japanese art, rich in meaning and history. The art of imperfection.

Showzi Tsukamoto
About Me

My journey of kintsugi, golden joinery, started 60 years ago.

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